Saturday, 30 May 2015

25 Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) For Victory in This Life And Hereafter

Sallam Alaykum.

As part of my research to bring the best of write ups by various scholars to you as regard the teachings of our peaceful religion, you may enjoy this very nice piece by Adil Mohd .

Narrated from khalid bin walid (RA), A man (RA) once came in the gathering where The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was sitting w

Words Of Wisdom Of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH )

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is an inspiration to hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Here are some sayings of the Prophet Muhammed (Hadith)  that help us understand his inspirational character…
“A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field, from which man, birds and animals can eat, is committing an act of charity.” (Muslim)
“There is a polish for everything th

Ramdan Generosity, Laylat al-Qadr, I'tekarf

Sallam alaykum brothers and sisters in Islam, as we patiently await the much expecting holy month of Ramadan, I brought to you an article on some of the good deeds we could engage ourselves in during this special month. Below is the excerpts from Endeavour to read through and pass/share (the

Sunday, 24 May 2015

What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?

Sallam Alaykum!

Surfing through the internet as usual and got to see this educating article about what islam says on terrorism which is in contrary to what the enemies of islam are spreading around the world. Below is the lovely article, enjoy the moment.

Unfortunately more and more often, Islam has been associated with terrorism and violence due to the actions

Friday, 22 May 2015

Tony Blair's Sister In-law Lauren Booth, A Broadcaster And Journalist Converts To Islam

Interview of Lauren Booth:

I thank Allah (swt) for giving me the chance to spend a month with the greatest Muslims alive in this Ummah today.

At the end of Ramadan, I went to a family home in Rafa one of the poorest refugee camps in the poorest areas, of the over populated city in the entire world. I had iftar with a family there who had about sixteen mats which were used at night to sleep on. In the middle of

British District Judge, Marilyn Mornington converts to Islam

"Allah subhanau wata'ala had His eyes on me ... He led me down a path from where there was no turning back from, because the more I got to know about Islam, about Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, [the more] it became obvious t

Jumu'at Message

Salam alykum!

Whoever realises how brief this life is; how little joy is in it; how unpredictable it is & how fast the end of time is approaching, will never be distracted by anythi

Today's Hadith

Jumah Mubarak!

Below is the hadith for  today. Inn shaa Allah, reading of this hadith and sharing it with our love ones shall be accepted as an act of ibadah. Amin.

Topic: Participate in Good

Narrated Ayyub that Hafsa bint Sirin said, “We used to forbid our young women to go out for the two Eid prayers. A woman came and stayed at the palace of

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

DO's & DON'Ts Of Courtship In Islam

My adorable brothers and sisters in islam, I have this piece for you about courtship which I believe some of us will find helpful in finding and building a solid and longlasting relationship with our "Halal Partner". Read from t

The Story Of Prophet Muhammad And The Jewish Scholar Of Medinah

Asallam alykum brothers and sisters in islam.

I found  one of the many very interesting stories of our noble prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) while I was surfing the net this morning and I feel it will be of great benefits to share with everyone who comes here. Find below the excerpts extracted

Monday, 18 May 2015

Asking Allah For Forgiveness For Our Sins

These two stories from the Prophet’s (S.A.W.S.) ahadith (sayings) shed light on Allah’s happiness when we ask Him for His forgiveness for our sins. The stories also show that Allah is always looking for ways to forgive his believing slaves – we just need to make that strong intention to look

Ramdan (Sawn or Fasting)


Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, may be 29 or 30 days long. An Islamic month begins with the sighting of the new crescent in the western horizon, immediately after sunset. Muslims look toward the western horizon for the new moon on the 29th day of Shaban, the eighth month. If the new moon is sighted, Ramadan has begun with the sunset but fasting begins with the next dawn. If the